Ingrid told me to do this one, and I have no other choice then! Please ignore the fact that I removed half the questions and changed some of them...
Ten facts about me
1. I have a BA in tourism management
2. I don't believe in a god
3. My favorite colour is navy blue
4. I like to be alone
5. I'm constantly stressed about something
6. I've been to 10 countries (plus 3 if you count stopovers)
7. I don't like beer unless I'm drunk
8. I talk to myself quite a lot
9. I love my job(s), but is looking for something else (full time)
10. I've fallen 134 meters and survived
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Five blogs
Follow My Galaxy - A very cute girl named Ingrid, her life in pictures
Adrian Storm - One of my favorite people, he's awesome
World of Mike - This one is just amazing.
Sprekfisene - Makes me laugh, and not feel bad about that chocolate I ate yesterday
Lauren Conrad - Technically not a blog, but worth a visit
A song you're sick of
If I have to listen to "the fox" one more time, I just might kill someone.
Things you keep in your purse at all times
My phone, medications, wallet, ipod and lip-balm
The last thing you bought
Panties. Not the pretty kind.
Five things you want
A plane ticket to anywhere
New shoes
New socks
Free time
Home-made dinner (by mom)
The weirdest thing you own
My alarmclock shaped like a koala that screams at me in the morning
The best thing that happened during last week
1. The really long phonecall I had
2. Being told that I have to go to Bodø for an interview
3. Being able to lift 10kg more than the week before
Guilty pleasure
Pintrest, weheartit, imgur.
Five words in a language you know (not your own)
Whatu Ngarongaro te tangata, toti te whenua (well, that's seven, but whatever)
Job of your dreams, and why
The job of my dreams involves being manager for a conference section at a hotel. With some traveling involved. Because I want to be a part of something that makes people stay for more than just the room, they should get the "whole deal"!
Favorite toy as a child
My big teddy that I got from grandma when I was born. Oh, and books. I loved books.
Your first memory
Moving in to a new house and meeting the girl who turned out to be my future best friend.
Last book you read
Idas dans.
Amazing book, never have I hoped for a different ending so bad in my life.
Amazing book, never have I hoped for a different ending so bad in my life.
Something you've always wanted to do (but haven't), and why
I've always wanted to travel alone. Just book a ticket and leave with my suitcase and camera. I haven't because I can't afford it. And I don't have the guts just yet.
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