Sunday, January 26, 2014

Nothing good happens after 2am

Can't sleep! Very much awake! Sleep is overrated! 

I have to say, the one thing I miss about being in a relationship is having someone who can force me to go to sleep at a reasonable hour. I mean, if you have someone next to you who has fallen asleep before hitting the pillow... you can't really do anything besides from sleeping. 

By now, this is the level of romance in my life

And that's why I'm awake at 3:25am! 

It's almost Monday!

And the weekend has once again come to an end. 
Yesterday was great, and as always I forgot to bring my camera... 
Worked for a couple of hours in the morning, slept for a while before I got ready. Got a tiny bit tipsy with a friend of mine, and we danced our asses off!
She found out that I don't let guys mess with me. Had one guy with his hand under my skirt. This resultet in him flying across the dancefloor. That's what you get. 

I've spent most of today in bed, watching series and other fun stuff. It's been a proper Sunday. 
Tomorrow brings me back to reality, and I'm starting working out again. It's about time, summer is just around the corner! Hoping it'll get my appetite going again as well. Been so sick of all kinds of food lately, and I miss eating like a horse (and going to the gym). I'll probably lie flat on the floor afterwards but you know... 
This will be me...
Anyone who wants to work out with me?

Good night angels <3