Saturday, January 18, 2014

Love my job!

I love my job! As I've mentioned earlier I'm working two part-time jobs, one of them as a receptionist, the other as event hostess. I really feel lucky to be able to do both, but being part of big and small events... SO much fun! This weekend there was an huge event. Yesterday was spent in the snow from 3pm-8pm, lighting candels, clearing snow from the field, running up and down in half a meter of snow. This was the opening ceremony for the whole event. They had people coming down the hill on skis, fireworks, music and so much more. It was amazing!

Today was the big day for activites. I was responsible for sled-hockey! Had never done it before, but we worked it out eventually, and everyone had a lot of fun! I almost fell over on the ice laughing - some of the participants fell over and could not get back up. All in all - it seemed like everyone enjoyed the activities, even thought we had -8 and snow all day (it's been a week and it's still snowing...), and I had a lot of fun as well!

Love my job, and all the people I meet doing it!

Tomorrow I'm doing all the cleaning that I've been planning for a week. My livingroom looks like, well.. shit, really. I'm doing a lunch-date with a friend of mine on monday, and tomorrow is the only day I have off. It has to be done!

Anyways - Had enough fresh air for a lifetime, and feeling slightly exhausted. Nightynight!