Monday, March 31, 2014


Spring makes me so happy! It gives me inspiration and motivation to do anything. 
After an amazing weekend I painted my nails, watched an amazing sunset, and put on my favourite music. 
Spring colours
Love my view

I'm in a place right now where everything is pink and lovely. Spring is here, life is wonderful, easter is just around the corner, I'll be going home to everything that I love, I'm writing again. 
 Life is good!

I'm thinking about sharing my writing with you, eventually. But for now - it's for my eyes only.

Sunday, March 30, 2014


I've had the most amazing weekend.
The plan was a girls night out, but I cancelled simply because I didn't feel like going out. My body is telling me this was the right decision, and is more than ready to take on the next two weeks of work, school and everything else. 


I'm in a good place. Realxed, but filled with energy. Happy, calm and collected.
My mind is clear, I can take on anything. I never thought one weekend of diconnecting from the world could make this much of a difference. 

Always...take care of yourself!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Just another day of the week

My inspo for today is romantic, pale colours, spring and pink. 
After all, spring is just around the corner, even though it's still rather cold outside. 
I've been spending the past couple of hours cleaning, making dinner and listening to great music. After all, I still have to write a paper... Plan on spending the rest of the day doing the same, plus going to the gym and getting a tan/stop looking like a ghost. 
I'll start my weekend early, and after work tomorrow just disconnect from the world. Eat candy, watch a movie, and just enjoy my own company. 
Oh, how I love days like this. 
You're prettiest | via Facebook


Couple - image

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Monday, March 24, 2014

50 things I want to do in my life

1. Explore New York 
2. Watch the sunset from somewhere in Paris (the eiffel tower for example)
3. Have a movie marathon with my best friend 
4. Own an american car
5. Learn a new language
6. Visit a new country each year
7. Go camping with all my friends
8. Cuddle next to a bonfire 
9. Ride first class
10. Get the job of my dreams

You are born and then you die

11. Join the mile-high club
12. Buy tickets for a random destination
13. Take a month off work to travel
14. Go back to see Ayers Rock
15. Fall in love
16. Get a nemofish
17. Learn how to cook 
18. Ride a horse on the beach 
19. Swim with sharks 
20. Shoot a gun


21. Visit all of the 7 wonders of the world
22. Ride in a hot air balloon 
23. Speak my mind
24. Go skinny dipping 
25. Go on a road trip 
26. Spent an entire day in bed with someone I love
27. Learn to like wine 
28. Let my body tell a story (tattoo)
29. Visit the tunnel of love
30. Buy an apartment
31. Adopt a baby
32. Admit that I like him, when I do
33. Live in a big city
34. Move to the country 
35. Run a 5k
36. Go to the carnival in Venice 
37. Skydive
38. Write my own love story
39. Lie on a beach for hours 
40. Hold a koala 
41. Visit Nepal 
42. Go to Miami 
43. Live abroad for a year or two
44. Get a dog 
45. Learn how to make pasta 
46. Go to a wedding 
47. Read Lord of the Rings (in english) 
48. Wear an amazing dress 
49. Learn how to walk in high heels 
50. Be kissed in the rain

Friday, March 21, 2014

Home is where your heart is

Once again I've left home to come back to Lillehammer.
It was a stressful visit, but I loved it just as much as ever. Came home after a long day of traveling (bus, train and plane), and the feeling of crawling to bed was amazing. Freezing, but amazing. Thursday was spent with my cutest girlfriend, she helped me decide what I should wear for the jobinterview. Scary shit!

Homesick for a special someone right now...

Bodø decided to show me that it still has it. By it I mean weather. Snow, crazy winds and freezing temperatures.
And still... I adore this city.

Home is where your heart is, and I've left my heart, soul and body in Bodø.
Don't get me wrong, I plan on finishing school and stay here until June, but I need to go back to being me again. And I've left me up north. The crazy winds, the stunning nature, the loving people, the ocean... It's a part of me, and I needed to move, have my heart broken, and learn to know myself to realize all of that. 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

I've got better things to do

I have so much shit that needs to be done. Writing my law paper, cleaning everything, going to the gym, packing... Well, that ain't gonna happen. 

Let's take a look at what I've done today. I've cleaned my bedroom, bought new underwear (the pretty kind this time), done the dishes, made sure all my socks have a partner, had dinner, watched tv, and put some clothes in my suitcase (let's just call it packing). 
This means I now have no excuse to not start writing the fucking paper. 

Oh, hold on... just found Westlife on Spotify! I'm busy, need to sing along to all their songs. 

Monday, March 17, 2014

It's your birthday

Happy birthday sweetie!
Yes, I stole this
Based on that picture, not so sweet as scary... aaaaanyways! 
You're getting old, but is still as handsome as ever. Since I can't celebrate your birthday with you, you won't get a cake from me (be thankfull). But you'll get a picture of one! 

9 Amazing Desserts Made Of Oreo | Like It Short

After going through the dark side of the internet (cats... everywhere), this is the most apropriate things I could find you. 
Crazy cat man
You are one of the most amazing people I know, and you deserve cake, cats and kind words on your birthday. But most importantly, you need to keep calm, and be crazy, laugh, love and live it up. Because this is the oldest you've ever been, and the youngest you'll ever be again!

Cici on "New Girl" should have known this last night.....but no, she didn't eat cake and ended with bruised ribs from boob punches.  Cause and effect, people.  Moral of the story:  Always eat birthday cake. (@Erin B Pesak)

Hope you have an awesome birthday, you deserve all the best. 
And don't worry, you're like wine - getting better each year. 

Sending all the biggest hugs I can find,
lots of love, H

St. Patricks

Happy St. Patricks day! 
I hope everyone is getting shitfaced and having tons of fun!
Not celebrating this year, but these pictures are from our celebration while in New Zealand.

Food is always important
Something green. It tasted... green

The amazing Cara
Green pants
Well... shit happens
All green and good to go
Have fun!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

The end of messy me

I've had the most amazing Sunday in ages. Even though I worked the night-shift and didn't go to sleep until 8am, I felt well rested and good. Ingrid stopped by for a tiny bit (she has no internet at home, I do), we had some wine and chocolate. After she left I took a long shower, put on nail polish and had more wine. I did some planning for next week (what, when and where) and put on good music and just relaxed in my own company.

I've spent the past two hours talking to someone who's very dear to me. One of those people that I can tell anything to and not be judged. Can't wait to go home, I still need a hug after a long week.

You're the only one that matters anyways.
Anyways, soon we'll start a new week, and my calendar is full (as always).
Tomorrow will be spent at school while working on a paper in labor law, buying food for the week, and going to the gym. Tuesday will be pretty much the same; school, gym and packing.
Wednesday is full of school and traveling. Going home for something like 32 hours, just for an interview, and of course seeing some of my friends and family.

After a day like this I feel ready to take on anything. All I need to get back on track after a long week is some time to unwind, shave my legs, put on some pretty colours, and I'm good to go.

30 Motivational Quotes For Life
New week.
Bring it on, bitch!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Still a mess

I'm still a mess, but it's mostly because I've spent all day on the couch. Working the night-shift tonight so my day has consisted of sleep, Grey's Anatomy and candy. And pain-killers, because who dosen't love those cramps... 

All I want to do
After flipping through my calendar yesterday, I realized that I've had 2 weekends off for the past 13 weeks. And one of them was spent at home, which means there was no time to relax. I can't really complain, I love my job(s), but right now my entire body is telling me to slow down. I have the weekend off two weeks from now, and I'll be spending it with my friends, getting drunk, eating junk-food and watching bad movies. Can't wait! 

Should probably try to get some more sleep, but I have to start getting ready for work. Birkebeinern was canceled, and we'll probably have a shitload of drunk people everywhere...
Enjoy your night sweeties, I know I will!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

All done

I'm a mess!
Went to bet at 3.30am last night. Felt like a good idea at the time. When my alarm went off this morning and I remembered that my final exam was today... not so much. 
It went... as expected. Not all that great, but all I need is to pass! 

It's really been a long week, and it's not even over yet. I'm PMSing so bad, actually started crying when I couldn't find the pants I wanted to wear this morning. 

Craving chocolate, loving the fetal position that I'm in at the moment, and wanting a hug/kill someone. I swear, if anyone says something mean to me I will cry/kick/scream/bite and so on. Not to mention the fact that I'm exhausted after spending two full days and nights in my books!

Enough about that. 
I'm still a mess, will continue being a mess until I can't handle being a mess anymore.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Tell-tale signs

I've got my international politics final in three days. 

Which is precisely why I just spent half an hour sorting all my jackets, shoes, scarfs and so on. 

It's also why I bought two new games for my xbox today. And why I'll be at the gym for an extra 30 minutes tonight. And why all my clothes are folded. And why there's no more dishes to clean. And why I'm considering whether I'll make a good stripper or not.
So you start considering a new career path.

And then I realize... I don't even care anymore!
The 33 Stages Of Finals Week

I'll do it tomorrow..
The 33 Stages Of Finals Week

Oh, and this also describes me pretty well.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Pictures and so on

Worked the night-shift, and walked home after (6.30am). 
Such a lovely walk, even tho I felt like sleeping in a ditch, so tired!
My walk home
Lillehammer looks a tad bit better early on a Saturday morning than any other time of the day. 
The view from just down the road from where I live
Spent all night talking to my coworker, and we actually had fun. Staying awake all night is a lot easier when you have someone to talk to. 
Fell asleep on the couch just after 8, and slept until 12.30, which was amazing! Had some breakfast, watched tv and just had a realxing afternoon. Plan om making some dinner in an hour or so, and going to bed before midnight (yeah, right). 

Friday, March 7, 2014

Learn to know me

Ingrid told me to do this one, and I have no other choice then! Please ignore the fact that I removed half the questions and changed some of them... 

Ten facts about me
1. I have a BA in tourism management
2. I don't believe in a god
3. My favorite colour is navy blue
4. I like to be alone
5. I'm constantly stressed about something
6. I've been to 10 countries (plus 3 if you count stopovers)
7. I don't like beer unless I'm drunk
8. I talk to myself quite a lot
9. I love my job(s), but is looking for something else (full time)
10. I've fallen 134 meters and survived

Five blogs
Follow My Galaxy - A very cute girl named Ingrid, her life in pictures 
Adrian Storm - One of my favorite people, he's awesome
World of Mike - This one is just amazing. 
Sprekfisene - Makes me laugh, and not feel bad about that chocolate I ate yesterday
Lauren Conrad - Technically not a blog, but worth a visit 

A song you're sick of
If I have to listen to "the fox" one more time, I just might kill someone. 

Things you keep in your purse at all times
My phone, medications, wallet, ipod and lip-balm

The last thing you bought
Panties. Not the pretty kind. 

Five things you want
A plane ticket to anywhere
New shoes 
New socks 
Free time
Home-made dinner (by mom)

The weirdest thing you own
My alarmclock shaped like a koala that screams at me in the morning 

The best thing that happened during last week

1. The really long phonecall I had
2. Being told that I have to go to Bodø for an interview 
3. Being able to lift 10kg more than the week before

Guilty pleasure
Pintrest, weheartit, imgur. 

Five words in a language you know (not your own)
Whatu Ngarongaro te tangata, toti te whenua (well, that's seven, but whatever)

Job of your dreams, and why
The job of my dreams involves being manager for a conference section at a hotel. With some traveling involved. Because I want to be a part of something that makes people stay for more than just the room, they should get the "whole deal"! 

Favorite toy as a child
My big teddy that I got from grandma when I was born. Oh, and books. I loved books. 

Your first memory
Moving in to a new house and meeting the girl who turned out to be my future best friend.

Last book you read
Idas dans.
Amazing book, never have I hoped for a different ending so bad in my life.

Something you've always wanted to do (but haven't), and why
I've always wanted to travel alone. Just book a ticket and leave with my suitcase and camera. I haven't because I can't afford it. And I don't have the guts just yet.