Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Rant of the day

You've all seen them. The people who annoy the crap out of you, and you just want to throw that 20 pound weight at them. Let's put up a list, just for fun! 

  • People using the treadmill to catch up on all the gossip from the last month. Bitch, move your ass! If you're just going to talk to your friend - do it somewhere else. And also, I don't care who said what to whom. 
  • Girls looking like they're going clubbing, not working out. I mean, is there even a face under all that make-up? Almost chocked on the amount of perfume on one girl today. 
  • Guys who can't seem to lift a weight without making sex-noises. If it's to heavy for you, don't lift it, simple as that. 
  • That one creepy guy who stands in the corner/sits on a machine (but dosen't use it) for half an hour staring at all the girls working out. It's creepy as hell. 

gtfo (241) Animated Gif on Giphy

Pretty sure I can come up with twenty more of these, but that's all for today.

Had a great workout never the less, and I'm exhausted! 
I've got 6 hours of classes tomorrow, so it's time to go to bed. 

Monday, January 27, 2014

The gym

I went to the gym! Holymotherofgod. This is gonna hurt tomorrow. 
It seems like a really good place though, and hot damn, there's a lot of meat to look at. 
Well hello there...

And now... let's remember that I haven't worked out in ages. Like half a year. 
Every single part of my body has been in hibernation for six fucking months. 

And yet - this is how I feel at the gym! Kicking ass and taking names.

In reality I look like this...

So yeah.. wish me luck on getting out of bed tomorrow morning. 

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Nothing good happens after 2am

Can't sleep! Very much awake! Sleep is overrated! 

I have to say, the one thing I miss about being in a relationship is having someone who can force me to go to sleep at a reasonable hour. I mean, if you have someone next to you who has fallen asleep before hitting the pillow... you can't really do anything besides from sleeping. 

By now, this is the level of romance in my life

And that's why I'm awake at 3:25am! 

It's almost Monday!

And the weekend has once again come to an end. 
Yesterday was great, and as always I forgot to bring my camera... 
Worked for a couple of hours in the morning, slept for a while before I got ready. Got a tiny bit tipsy with a friend of mine, and we danced our asses off!
She found out that I don't let guys mess with me. Had one guy with his hand under my skirt. This resultet in him flying across the dancefloor. That's what you get. 

I've spent most of today in bed, watching series and other fun stuff. It's been a proper Sunday. 
Tomorrow brings me back to reality, and I'm starting working out again. It's about time, summer is just around the corner! Hoping it'll get my appetite going again as well. Been so sick of all kinds of food lately, and I miss eating like a horse (and going to the gym). I'll probably lie flat on the floor afterwards but you know... 
This will be me...
Anyone who wants to work out with me?

Good night angels <3

Friday, January 24, 2014

Thank God It's Friday!

I'm still nok quite ready to start the weekend, still have a couple of hours left at work. And that's fine, something tells me it's going to be a bussy morning. After work it's time for some shopping, an hour or two of sleep before I start the rituale of cleaning, eating and getting ready to go out! Have no idea what to wear (as always), but I'll find something. 

Oh, I made a new friend today.

Not quite - but close enough.
 I'm doing a class in International Politics this semester, and been really freaked out because I don't know anyone. And today was the dreaded day where we had to pick groups to work in for the rest of the semester. Ended up in a group of five guys, who all seem really nice. Problem? They're four years younger than me. It makes me feel so old. And I can't remember looking that young at 19... 

Now, if you'll excuse me - I have to take a shower and go to bed. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Not like the movies

I have nothing interesting to talk about these days. I'm really home-sick and confused, so all you'll get are some pictures that I found on pintrest. 

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Love my job!

I love my job! As I've mentioned earlier I'm working two part-time jobs, one of them as a receptionist, the other as event hostess. I really feel lucky to be able to do both, but being part of big and small events... SO much fun! This weekend there was an huge event. Yesterday was spent in the snow from 3pm-8pm, lighting candels, clearing snow from the field, running up and down in half a meter of snow. This was the opening ceremony for the whole event. They had people coming down the hill on skis, fireworks, music and so much more. It was amazing!

Today was the big day for activites. I was responsible for sled-hockey! Had never done it before, but we worked it out eventually, and everyone had a lot of fun! I almost fell over on the ice laughing - some of the participants fell over and could not get back up. All in all - it seemed like everyone enjoyed the activities, even thought we had -8 and snow all day (it's been a week and it's still snowing...), and I had a lot of fun as well!

Love my job, and all the people I meet doing it!

Tomorrow I'm doing all the cleaning that I've been planning for a week. My livingroom looks like, well.. shit, really. I'm doing a lunch-date with a friend of mine on monday, and tomorrow is the only day I have off. It has to be done!

Anyways - Had enough fresh air for a lifetime, and feeling slightly exhausted. Nightynight!

Thursday, January 16, 2014


I'm still so pleased with the tattoo, and really want to show it to everyone. Can't wait to go home and show it to all my friends. And for summer - wearing shorts and dresses will be my new obsession!

The only problem right now is that I need something new to look forward to. Something to be excited about. Being in school and all I have exams, papers and stuff like that. With two jobs, I've got hours in the snow (getting there and back again), but a nice paycheck in the end. I need something more than that!
This includes me spending money. I just booked a ticket home for easter, which is 84 days away. 
Still - it has it all. Flying (fml), seeing my friends and family again and going home to Bodø! 

Besides from that I obviously had to go shopping today. My creditcard is crying. 
Money is made to be spent (sort of), and I'm happy about it. 

And there's really nothing else that's going on in my life right now. 
The dishes are calling - byebyenow!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

All done!

All done! Could not be more pleased with the tattoo, and it didn't hurt half as much as I thought it would. Begil was amazing, and the rest of the guys were so cool. Really had a great time. I'm never wearing pants again!

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step 

Lovelovelove it!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


There are few things on a man that's as sexy as (well done) tattoos. The same goes for women, but that's not really my departement. Still - I just love it when a person puts a piece of art on their body! 
Can't wait for tomorrow, super excited to get my new tattoo, and it's all I can think about right now! And the fact that my perception of time is really fucked up. In my head it's Sunday today, just because I ended up working all of last week, and had my "Saturday" yesterday. 

So ayways. 
Tomorrow is the big day, and I know I'm gonna be exhausted afterwards, so I'm planning on cleaning the apartment, doing the dishes, and making enough dinner for two days, all before I go to bed. We'll see if I'm able to follow through with it, or if my xbox shouths louder than all of it.


Sunday, January 5, 2014

Back to normal

Had a blast last night. Went out with two amazing girls, got a tiny bit tipsy and had so much fun. We danced, flirtet and laughed. I even had a guy buying me a drink. It's been a while! 
All that fun had to bite me in the ass, and I've spent all day in bed/on the couch playing xbox and sleeping.

I did something productive today - filling in my calendar. It's packed, and that's just school and work for this month. Was planning on hosting a small dinner for the girls, but not so sure I can fit it in anywhere. We'll see. 
Oh, and I'm getting inked. Getting an apponintment on tuesday, and allready feeling excited! It'll be my fourth, and probably just as painfull as the rest of them (if not more). 

Lastly - these songs are being played on repeat, lovelovelove them. 

Marry Me - Jason Derulo

Say Something - A great big world & Christina Aguilera

John Doe - B.o.B & Priscilla

Vertigo - Jason Derulo & Jordin Sparks

Friday, January 3, 2014

There and back again

Byebye Bodø, hello Lillehammer.
As a new year is starting I'm heading back to school, work and everyday life. Can't say I'm a big fan. Never before have I wanted to stay so badly, never has the smell of sea, the crazy winds and the freezing cold tempted me so bad. And yet, here we are. 
I'll be home sometime around 1am, and I left Bodø at 8.45pm. It takes forever to get home. 

Being home reminded me of everything I love about Northern-Norway, and everyone I care about. 
The last night was really weird and amazing. It was just one of those nights were you feel at home. 
And that's one of my goals for this year - to feel at home, and to move back to everything I love. 

Six months to go, and I'll be out of here!